Monday, September 19, 2011

Life Enrichment

Big changes are still in progress and I threw a few new ones into the mix just to shake things up. You would think that quitting your job to stay at home would leave you with a void of time. This may be the case for slackers but I have never fallen into that catagory. I am actually busier now than I was when I worked. The key is filling my time with positive activities and choices. So grad school is tough but going well. I am maintaining an A average, something I have never done before (hopefully I can keep it that way). My relationship with my children and husband is growing so much and as much as they can drive me crazy, every cuddle and kiss makes up for it ten fold. Still broke, but as I recall, we weren't too much better off even when I was working so that I will continue to look at finances as a challenge.

So, what else is new? Well, I have delved into the couponing world. I am just starting and nowhere near what I probably could be but on average I save about 66% on each trip. Couponing gives a very odd feeling of accomplishment and trepidation when you stand at the register watching those numbers decline, hoping it comes to the small amount you have left in your checking account. Last week, I also made the decision to join Weight Watchers. I am not huge or even fat but I am not comfortable with where I am at and need to eat better anyway, so I decided to give it a try and I am already seeing results.

Next step in my life's makeover is to clean out the clutter... proverbial and otherwise. I find that I have been paying attention to many people that do not deserve my time or simply drain my energy without any benefits. I have paid too little attention to those people I find myself missing at moments. So now I am going to strive to reach out if to do nothing else than say hi, and that I am thinking about them. I am going to become more organized around the house in order to simplify life just a little. I am going to stand up for myself a little more than I have been and not let people make me feel badly about who I am or how I feel.

I am also going to make time for things I love. I picked up my guitar for the first time since I broke my arm this weekend and it felt so good. I am going to dance more too. I will dance in my living room and in my car and wherever else I damn well please. I am going to sing to my children and for myself. I am going to write songs, blogs, poems and whatever else strikes me at any particular moment in time. I am going to love those that truly love me and let the rest fade away.