Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fight or Flight

So I am in a position where I want to do what is best for me and at the same time, what is the right thing to do but I simply do not know what either entails so I am calling upon the few people that read this to help me out.

Most of us have been in a same or similar situation with an ex boyfriend, ex friend, co worker, etc where a disagreement turns into a full fledged war or words and before you know it, you are no longer on speaking terms.  However, they decide to take it one step further and trash talk you and attempt to destroy your reputation within your same said circle or group. In my case, I have no idea what is even being said but the little I have heard is 100% false and I have gotten scathing emails from someone who went from zero to bitch in no time flat, and a bunch of removed and blocked "friends" from Facebook.  What to do.

There is the phrase "the best revenge is living well" which is all well and good but the thing is that this particular instigator doesn't care if I live well or not, he just wants me out of his particular realm and I have no clue what he is doing , but it seems to be working.  I feel like walking away makes me look guilty of whatever it is he is saying and he becomes effective in removing me from this specific community. However, ignoring it removes me from the drama and allows me some time to focus on the positive.  SO I am stuck. 

I tried to fight back by explaining how most of these lies I know about don't even make sense but it all falls on deaf ears. It would help if I knew what exactly was being said and done, but I don't. All I know is I am being trashed and my defenses are low enough as it is. I tried using the truth to my advantage but am having trouble since people seem to feel compelled to rally around someone who clearly uses others and is not a good person in general.  Even knowing his faults and falling prey to them at times, these people still champion him on and I am bewildered by it.  The one person who has a right to be upset with me in all this is my husband and while he is upset, he still takes my side and is angry on my behalf, which I would think says something to the whole mess, but apparently not.  It does tell me however that I have the most understanding and loving man on the planet for a husband.

So again, what do I do and how do I do it? This moron's reputation is the most important thing to him which makes it an obvious kill shot but how? Or do I take the high road, ignore the whole thing and try to be the bigger person and move on (if you have ever been in this position you know how hard that is)? Either way, I hope he knows that crossing paths with me from here until the day he dies is now perilous. Spreading lies and rumors from behind a keyboard is easy. Actually facing a pissed off Arwyn is a whole different story.