Saturday, October 20, 2012

Angels and Demons

Halloween is fast approaching and with it comes all the events and festivities that the start of the holiday season brings.  Halloween however brings with it all the spooks and scary bumps in the night that thrill us over and over again. Most people that know me know I am a little odd and with that comes my newfound interest in the paranormal. While I write this even, I am reviewing EVP's or electromagnetic voice phenomenon from the battleship. Years ago I was a complete skeptic but in the past few years, I have been proven wrong in a series of several events.

Last night I was watching a television show which featured demons and demonic possession on several levels and once done, flipped over to the ABC show, Once Upon a Time that I had DVR'd and I had a wild and probably unprovable theory, linking the two. Here it is.

Catholic priests are trained in demonic possession and have been since the start of Christianity. There are records of such things and while exorcisms were probably practiced more unecessarily than not, I believe possession is possible, extremely rare, but possible. Before it was even written, tales of angels, demons, spirits, princes, princesses, dragons, faeries, magic and the supernatural have existed. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation and many from each genre have been written and elaborated on through the course of time.

Given that these stories have intermingled and often intertwined, I had a thought. What if the key to freeing a posessed soul from evil was a kiss? It worked for Sleeping Beauty and Snow White who were clearly under an evil spell. Even if you pull away from the fairy tales, the way to fight bad is with good, hate with love, the devil with God. For every ying there is a yang, a balance to be kept. Demonic posession is said to fill you with hate and evil.  What better way to fight that than with a pure and good act of love?

The problem with this is, who in there right mind would even test this theory out? You come across a person acting posessed and the first thing you want to do is get as far away as possible, not pull them into a loving embrace. Not to mention you are battling forces unknown and if this theory proved to be be wrong, all involved could be in some serious trouble.

Ok my paranormal friends, and even my skeptics.  Weigh in and tell me what you think.