Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Death of Daytime Drama

For over 40 years, daytime drama, or soap opera's as we commonly call them, have been captivating housewives and stay at home moms for generations. Before I could crawl, walk, or talk, I was watching Soaps. My mother since she was a pre teen had been hooked on All My Children. I grew up with the cast of characters and loved seeing the story lines unravel to reveal some rediculous story that seemed so pliable as it played out in front of me.

Many of these characters I knew so well, better than even some real life friends. Adam Chandler and Erica Kane were the powerhouses I aspired to be. Greenlee and Kendall had the spark and fire I wished I possessed. I identified with small pieces of many of these characters and cried when a beloved character died and wondered who the killer was with every murder. I learned about romance from this show and how many ways it could go so terribly wrong.

In September, after 42 years, my beloved Soap aired for the last time. I cried. It was like a relative had just been killed and I found myself hating that last episode and thinking how stupid it was but in all actuality, there was no good way to end it. The next day, to my horror, the 1pm slot was filled with a dumb "cooking show meets The View" show called the Chew, and yes, the show is as tasteless as the name.
This month, they are taking away my second favorite Soap, One Life to Live, again it has been on the air longer than I have been on this earth. Who knows what crap will be in the 2pm spot now.

Now ABC has decided to put the final nail in the coffin and cancelled General Hospital as well to make way for boring reality TV that makes me want to cancel cable. I wonder if they know that they are ending a genre. Daytime Emmys will never be the same if they are even around much longer. Drama will no longer be scripted but appear as "reality" where antics and bad behavior impress younger minds as the way to behave. Actors will no longer have a way to jump start their careers.

How a vulgar skanky boozehound like Snooki won out over a classy self made woman like Victoria Lord, I dont know. How asparagus cooking could ever be more interesting than Janet from Another Planet throwing her twin down a well to steal her husband will never make sense to me. A sign of the times?? Yeah, but a very sad and discouraging one if you ask me.

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