Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Humanity and the Legal System at it's Finest

Today has left me feeling extremely frustrated with people in general and the legal system in all it's glory. My day starts by waking up thinking about a problem that has plagued me for almost a year now. Last February I gave a guy $300 and an old saddle that my Granny had given me before she died in hopes that he would restore it. He had a website showing previous work and assured me it would be completed in two weeks time. As the months drug on he kept assuring me he was working on it always making excuses. Then at the end of the summer he moved to Indiana and stole my saddle and took it with him. He has continued to lie to me telling me he has it and he will send it. I even told him I would sue him and I wasn't kidding. I looked into it, received the paperwork and everything. The problem is this. The cost of filing suit and either hiring a lawyer or flying out there to appear in court could be covered by the money I would receive when I undoubtedly would win. But I would never see a dime, just like I will probably never see that saddle again. You see, Charlie is a drunk pathetic loser who spends every measly dime he makes on booze and women. You cannot squeeze blood out of a drunken stone. I cannot file here where cost would be signifigantly less because he doesn't live here. SO because that sorry sad sack ran off with my property, I get screwed if I go after him. Thank you legal system. Then I am browsing facebook and come across an article where a drug addict with two boys already gives birth to a baby girl and ten days later, puts her infant in the washer with the laundry and passes out in a drug induced sleep. The baby was found during the spin cycle by the mother's aunt very much dead. The family had been fighting to have all 3 children removed since the mother had a bad drug history but the courts allowed her to keep her children and now an infant baby girl is dead. When did the courts start protecting the guilty and letting the innocent pay? Our legal system has become to big for it's own britches. So many rulings and laws are made based off one case where mistakes were made trying to make fairness in effect, retroactive, when in fact all they have done is make it unfair for the rest of people going forward. Think of it this way; a tangled knot, much like legality has to be untangled in order to be straitened out. The bigger the knot, the harder it is to untangle. The more string used, the more of a mess you have. Our legal system needs to stop adding string to the knot and stop getting so wound up in the legality of things that it loses sight of what is right. Not saying that we should go back to the days of hanging horse theives but back then you never heard of anyone getting off on a technicality. The law was made to protect the innocent but more and more that ideal is slipping away, one technicality after another. We need to start over. We need to start looking at the bigger picture and the legal system and the government need to stop avoiding the big picture of what is wrong with this country by focusing on things like gay marraige that hurts no one, and start focusing on restoring morality and a little bit of virtue to this country's crumbing structure.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year Ahead

First Day of 2012 and for most of us, it is an optimistic day. Odd really...it is just an ordinary day. It has no religious meaning an celebrates no one special. It is just a day on a calendar really. But it signals hope for so many. Hope that in the next 365 days, change will happen and things will become better. So in the Spirit of this newfound hope for change resolutions are made and faith in oneself becomes somewhat restored. In spite of impending holiday bills and the bitter chill in the air (unless you live here) a more positive spirit starts to stir and the simple jump from one month to another becomes a fresh start. So, what do I plan to do with my fresh start? I plan to relish life since last year I started out as a shattered and broken woman. The ties that matter in my life are mostly positive ones, at least the people are. This year, I have a choice and my mind is clearer in order to make the right ones. I am going to find out what truly makes me tick. I am going to explore every passion in my life and be as eclectic and interesting as possible. I am going to take on new projects without fear and finish some unfinished projects. I am going to find and follow a path to financial stability on the more serious side of things and continue to try my best as a scholar. On the flip side, I believe my personality could use some improving as well. I am going to try to be more vivacious and when opportunities arise, I am going to try harder to recognize them as they come and embrace my chances wholeheartedly. Unconditional love has always been an issue for me since it has mostly been met with obliterating blows. But I am wise enough to know who derserves it at this point and I am going to try harder to show that to those who give it to me every day. I know everyone says they are going to shed the pounds as a resolution but I have been fighting this losing battle for about a year now and giving it a very half ass attempt, I might add. But for the sake of my own self esteem and the little shred of vanity I still possess. I know most people say for health reasons or some crap like that but if I said that I would be lying. I think this simply means smaller portions and even the smallest bit of regular exercise (at least that is what I have been told). I plan on relishing my children. I do this anyway but I want them to know it. I want my daughter to know that Snuggling her is the best thing in the world for me and that I would drop everything to do it. I want my son to know that all the things we do together are cherished by me. All the cooking, crafts, and games we play together I hope stick with him forever like they will with me. I want my husband to know that still have not forgotten how a night breaking into a car with a fishing pole can end and how much all the little surprises really mean to me. Basically, I want to live better, act stronger, and be more. I want to waste less time and gain more moments and memories. I want that feeling you get after seeing a riveting movie where just for a moment, as you walk out of that theatre, you feel like maybe, just maybe, you could be that hero or heroine, and maybe, just maybe, I too can take on the world and win.