Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The War Between the Sexes: Date on Your Side of the Mason Dixon Line

While dating, I can honestly say that I never had a "type". Fat, thin, tall, short, nerd, jock...all that I looked for was a connection with that individual. Ultimately, it never worked out and I was always left wondering if it was me and my friends would always tell me it wasn't except for now I have to believe it was in fact me, at least in most cases.

When I came down here to go to college I was inundated with southern gentleman and together with my cute group of girls, it was like hunting fish in a barrel. But like most college relationships, these were mostly for fun and very short lived but that didn't stop me from getting my heart broken and even being told I was loved a couple times and twice it was returned. Ultimately, I was not what they were looking for and didn't fit the image they had of the girl who should be their arm. Why? My guess was because as southern men they wanted a southern belle and that is most certainly not me.

Southern men are looking for southern gentility and charm. When met with a girl who can pull that off but at heart has been raised a Northerner, it is too much and they simply cannot handle it. My most epic failed relationships were with men raised in the south, and the one I clicked the most with is my husband who grew up two hours away from where I did in PA. Don't get me wrong. In 10 years I have frustrated, angered, and annoyed the everlasting crap out of him but he stuck around and loves me because he has an understanding of how I work. My guess is most Northern girls have a similar M.O. How is that exactly?

Never in my life have I said "bless your heart." What does that even mean? I am not perfectly put together the second I wake up and am not a working Martha Stewart model. I am as crass as I am classy. Northern women are the chameleons of the world and the best part is they are 100% in being so. You can take us to a black tie affair and we can work that room like it was made for us and later take us to a dive bar where we can own it the exact same way with a beer bottle in our hands. Northern women do not hold back and speak their minds. We can cuss like a sailor and also be as eloquent as poetry. We are fiery, passionate, women and have no problems calling people out. We enjoy a good argument and thrive under the pressures of a challenge.

Southern men simply are not prepared and are ill equipped to handle the likes of a Northern personality in a woman. We are intimidating and pushy to them and are way beyond what their mammas warned them about. The southern men in my life simply did not know how to handle me. I may have seemed intriguing at first but ultimately I scared them. The point in all this is my hypothesis. Yankee girls will do best to find Yankee men in their lives. Leave the southern men to the southern girls and we might all be better off.

 My husband loves analogies so I will end with one. There are two types of storm chasers; those who watch the twister from a safe distance, careful not to get too close and then there are those who get right in the middle of the storm. Northern men have no problems being the latter and I commend them for it.


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