Friday, April 1, 2011

Here Goes Nothin

So I guess you can say I am new to this whole world of Blogging and, like everything else in my meager existence, I have no clue as to what I am doing. You see, I come from a family of geniuses, In addition to being such paragons of intelligence, they also have the biggest quality of all that I wish I had inherited, but alas, it was not in my genetic makeup. This admirable quality I am referring to is being goal oriented and focused in life. This is not to say they knew from an early age what they wanted but rather, when they knew, they stuck with it and excelled in the process.

Throughout my entire life I have been, what is commonly referred to a Jack of All Trades, Master of None. I have tried a variety of skills, hobbies and lifestyles ranging across the spectrum but unfortunately have never become more than mediocre at a single one of them.As a child, I tried all sorts of sports and activities as did my sisters. The difference was, they found one or three that they were really good at and stuck with it and were rewarded with trophies, ribbons and titles. I, on the other hand, dabbled in everything from karate to modeling and always quit after a short time. School was no different. In my opinion, the social aspect of my education was always more important than the curriculum part. This followed me all the way into college and while I somehow managed to get a degree, I cannot honestly say that I completely earned it. My grades from primary school until I received that were, as always, average. The fact that I stuck with school and completed alone, bordered on incredulous.

I may have been able to chalk up all of that mediocrity to being young and impetuous, but since I am now entering my 30's and still living in the Land of the Mediocre, I don't think that will pass muster anymore. I live in a nice but average home, I have the average family of four, consisting of a supportive husband, and an incredible little boy and girl, oddly enough, all above average in almost every way. I have the average job as an average drone for a large national corporation. I drive an average car with an average middle class income. I suppose starting this blog, I somehow hoped, would eventually drag me out of my average everyday normalcy and into something important.Whether that importance is simply my own personal growth or aiding others and making a difference somehow, I don't know. Either way, here goes nothin.

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